UNC Migraine Study
Do you suffer from migraines? We are conducting the first MRI study of its kind to understand how migraine affects the brain and how current medications work. This study is led by Principal Investigator Mark Shen, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Neuroscience at the UNC School of Medicine.
Who is Eligible?
Adults with migraine
Healthy adults (for comparison)
What Does Participation Involve?
Traveling to UNC-Chapel Hill for an in-person visit.
Undergoing an MRI brain scan and migraine assessment.
Goals of this Research:
To learn how migraine affects the brain.
To understand how current medications work.
To develop better treatments for migraine in the future.
You will receive:
All travel costs to Chapel Hill, North Carolina (mileage, rental car, hotel, airfare, meals) will be covered by the study.
Compensation of up to $100 for your participation.
A copy of your MRI.
Contact Us to Participate
If you are interested in enrolling or have any questions, please fill out the interest form or reach out to our study team:
Phone: 919-891-2610